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Capra aegagrus Creticus

The proud Cretan wild goat (Capra aegagrus Creticus), and known as the ibex, Cretan wild goat or ibex is an endemic subspecies of chamois and ibex unique form in Europe. The population declined dramatically during the German occupation as the sole food source of the rebels. In 1960 there were 200 people in the White Mountains, and so in 1962 the Samaria Gorge was declared a national park to protect it. To maintain subspecies, chamois have been transferred to the protected island Theodore of Chania. Today in an area 150,000 acres in and around the gorge, live about 700 people. The beasts have light dark hair which, during the mating season in October and November, it becomes lighter. Also on their back have a dark brown line from head to tail and have a great beard. In addition, they have two horns leaning back his head and approaching 1m in males. Their length reaches 1.30-1.40m and males reach 40kg. When you grow old, in their 10 years of color opens again, and usually live 11-12 years. The goat eats shoots, buds and leaves of shrubs and low trees, and grasses and broad-leaved herbs. Prefers rocky areas with steep slopes, since it can jump over 8 meters. Summer rises to higher altitudes, while in winter descends lower. The goat of Crete forming same-sex herds of up to 20 people, except during the breeding season, within which there is a clear hierarchy, with the older and physically larger people are sovereign. Breeding season formed harems, while small year follow females. They are very shy animals and often do not approach visitors. Finally, they found many murals Kri Kri, suggesting that the wild goat worshiped in antiquity. But even today remains one of the most powerful symbols of Sfakia and Crete.