1. Castro Kapsodasos Patsianos. A beautiful route, starting rural road north of the castle along the stream, turn left at the second bridge. Then, crossing the plain where olive trees, the road to the end and left, climbs north in a very scenic route through old olive trees and large oak trees, which is enclosed by old stone walls. Ftanontas the paved road, you can either head left to Patsianos and then to Fragokastello, or right to Kapsodasos and then to Fragokastello, walking around the regional plain enjoying the view.
2. Kapsodasos - Kallikratis - Asfendou - St. Nektarios - Fragokastello. Starting north of Kapsodasos on the way Kallikratis the first left turn, starts the path of the gorge Kalikratis. After three hours we reach the homonymous plateau. We continue west road for Asfendou and 1.20 hours we reach the village. Then we go down south in the gorge, where after three hours we reach the village of St. Nektarios. From there the main road until Fragokastello, about 1.30 hours.
Small walk. East and west of the castle extend coastal trails that are very beautiful afternoon and not only walks. East starting from the castle, you will see the ruined castle-monastery of Agios Charalambos. Then you will see the 'Proper Sand' and the left end of the beach, you can exit to the main road and back, enjoying the sunset! Duration approximately one hour. West you can start from the beach west of the small port and continue with small detours around the coast until the latter's Vatalos and then back from the main road. Duration approximately 1.30 hours. Also all internal roads of the plain edge is very picturesque courses will introduce you to the rural lifestyle.